I’m a journalist and have been working in the media industry in my country of origin; Argentina. When I moved to New Zealand, I started to do Improv and Drama. I have studied in Kacie Stetson Studio, have done workshops with renowned artists and got an agent who introduced me to some people from the industry.
A couple of years ago, and inspired by my corporate job as an Executive Assistant, I started to co-produce and co-direct a clown play (Clownland) and improv play (Baggage Claim) and realised that is not about choosing my corporate job over my artistic career, but to combine them both.
I have joined two amazing actresses and we started crafting an idea together. We knew it was going to be a tough journey, but we managed to get some funding from Auckland Creative Communities and started realising this dream could come true. But sometimes, when life gets tough the tough gets going and, after both of my colleagues left NZ for different reasons, I knew I had to find my own way. That was the final push that I needed to open my own production company.
In a world brimming with uncertainties, embarking on such a venture may seem daunting. Trust me when I say, yes, I’m super scared. The fear of failure, of the unknown, they’re all very real. However, the greatest adventures often lie on the other side of fear.