Welcome to Tupu Productions, based right here in Auckland.
Tupu, derived from the ancient Inca language, signifies the nail that holds together the poncho. It is a symbol deeply rooted in unity and resilience. And it is this very essence that defines our vision at Tupu Productions. We envision our productions not merely as performances but as threads that weave through the fabric of our society, connecting hearts, minds, and cultures.
At Tupu Productions, we believe in fostering genuine connections – between artists and audience, between traditions and modernity. Our ethos is centered around exploration, embracing new styles, and pushing boundaries with an open mind. We cherish cultural diversity, understanding that it enriches our artistic tapestry and fosters a deeper sense of understanding and empathy.
We invite you to join us on this exhilarating journey as we explore the endless possibilities of the scenic arts, stitching stories that resonate, and cultivating connections that endure.